Hey Bimbos!
Here is our interview with our new intern at Blighty HQ!
This is Maria Stella!
P.s. I know this is a video so this is normally what DevyBabe puts up but he was grumbling about having to delete a ton of phallic things from shop street. Who would make such things!?! I think I'm gona have to write an announcement about shop street. It seems to be getting a little crazy out there
Here is our interview with our new intern at Blighty HQ!
This is Maria Stella!
P.s. I know this is a video so this is normally what DevyBabe puts up but he was grumbling about having to delete a ton of phallic things from shop street. Who would make such things!?! I think I'm gona have to write an announcement about shop street. It seems to be getting a little crazy out there