Vi are ze Meanieheadz! do you likes my vampirebeaver?
Bow down to our Queen the Black Bimbo!,2927164.htm
haha - ze pink bimbos are ze farkin idiotz
Today vi hack Miss Bimbo and attack viz our special VampireBeaver! I varned you beeches!
It has special incriptions on beaver and nobody can remove ziz from websites except me - so fark you stupid admins!
Vi are best hackerz in hole vorld
Our request is simples. Vi only remove vampire beaver ven all are fulfilled:
1) You must likes Black Bimbo page on facebook MORE than the number who likes beech Miss Bimbo page.
Miss Bimbo page have 15 000 likes? vy - are you farkin iiots?
2) Miss Bimbo and all admins must delete their accounts forever and leave ze site to us
Miss Bimbo is ze racist yankee beech viz disgasting pink styles. Everybody knows ze yankees have vorst style in hole vorlds
and zey simply eats big mac meals every day viz super size asses.
eat our shiiirts
The Meanieheadz
Bow down to our Queen the Black Bimbo!,2927164.htm
haha - ze pink bimbos are ze farkin idiotz
Today vi hack Miss Bimbo and attack viz our special VampireBeaver! I varned you beeches!
It has special incriptions on beaver and nobody can remove ziz from websites except me - so fark you stupid admins!
Vi are best hackerz in hole vorld
Our request is simples. Vi only remove vampire beaver ven all are fulfilled:
1) You must likes Black Bimbo page on facebook MORE than the number who likes beech Miss Bimbo page.
Miss Bimbo page have 15 000 likes? vy - are you farkin iiots?
2) Miss Bimbo and all admins must delete their accounts forever and leave ze site to us
Miss Bimbo is ze racist yankee beech viz disgasting pink styles. Everybody knows ze yankees have vorst style in hole vorlds
and zey simply eats big mac meals every day viz super size asses.
eat our shiiirts
The Meanieheadz